29 September 2012

The burial of Google is overdue

Has it happened to you that you were looking for information on some rare band, and you typed it in the Google search field, and you were overjoyed to see several pages offering you that band's records, discography, lyrics, mp3 downloads, karaoke and whatever; and then you opened the page only to see some fucking generic record shop that had not one bit of information on the band you were looking for?

For a long time now I've grown used to it that a large percentage of Google searches result in the first couple of pages being filled with crap sites that are using some sort of engine that creates a huge number of pages, which promise relevant information but are actually meant only to get high results on Google, so that people would be lured onto their website and perhaps click on something else and buy something.

It is an outrage that Google allows itself to be spammed like this. Remember why we all switched to Google in the first place? Because it had the stunning ability to give us just what we were looking for. Sometimes it felt really eerie, as if Google was somehow able to read my thoughts. Those days are long gone. This page I saw today was possibly the worst I've ever seen:

I mean, they have taken it to the next level. They don't even pretend to have what you are looking for! They say directly: "we don't have any of this", and Google still leads people to them. 
I ended up on that page accidentally. I wasn't looking for "Philippines Girl In Up Skirt". But the point is, someone who is searching the term "philippines girl in up skirt" is expecting to find something containing "philippines girl in up skirt". Instead, Google is taking him to a website that not only doesn't, but has the nerve to openly admit it doesn't. Obviously they have written a script which creates a number of fake webpages, obviously with no other purpose than to mislead the search engine. Such a site ought to be banned from the search engine altogether, because allowing such spamming eventually makes the search engine useless and therefore induces its users to switch to another service.

Anyway, people who are good at programming things, listen up, there is a huge market gap out there. Google may be swallowing one web service after another, but getting bigger is no substitute for providing good service. Google is a dinosaur ready to die. I am ready to switch and forget all about that G-shit the instant any proper search engine comes along.

21 September 2012

A breakthrough in men's rights?

A few days ago I discovered something that sounds too good to be true.

Until now, any man whom a woman deigned to accuse of having raped her, has been considered guilty unless proven innocent – which in most cases is impossible.

Now, it would seem that the Italian Supreme Court has decided that rape cases are to be handled with at least some regard to the evidence. In the case in question the "victim" apparently had jeans which were so tight that they could not have been removed without her cooperation. In the court of first instance, the accused was, of course, automatically convicted – after all, the accusation was rape – but the Supreme Court reasoned that if the jeans were so tight that they could not have been removed without the woman's cooperation, her claim that she had not agreed to sex was not credible, and acquitted the man. His reputation and career will probably be ruined anyway, but at least he won't have to spend any more time in jail. That's something.

This is the original article. Unsurprisingly, the author is enraged that any court would ever dare to acquit a man accused of rape. And so he brings on childish nonsense like the court's decision's meaning that ANY woman wearing ANY jeans can be forced to sex without punishment under ANY circumstances. Obviously, the decision doesn't say anything to that effect.

Now, that ruling doesn't, of course, bring the legal practice anywhere near to fair handling of rape accusations. The case did only deal with the problem of automatically regarding the man as a criminal and the woman as a victim, no matter what the circumstances. A vital next step would be a legal provison to the effect that a rape conviction would require evidence apart from the "victim's" word.
It is one of the most elementary principles of criminal justice that to convict a person of any crime except rape, the prosecution needs to prove that the accused has committed that crime. Outrageously, in the case of rape accusations, it is commonly considered sufficient that a woman simply claims after the sexual act that she didn't consent to it. No other evidence is required (at least in some jurisidictions). While we don't have the islamic law that the word of one man is equivalent to the word of two women, we seem to have the unwritten law that, in rape cases, the word of a woman weighs more than the word of a man.
The common legal practice to handle rape differently from any other type of crime puts every one of us in danger. Every time a man fucks a woman, he risks having his life ruined, should the woman be displeased with anything afterwards, and decide to file a rape accusation to get back on him. Because gone are the times when falling victim of rape was an awful shame for a woman. These days rape accusation is merely a convenient way for a woman to damage a sex partner she no longer likes.

You think I'm exaggerating. To a certain degree, I may be. But ask yourself: how could the man in that Italian case end up convicted in the first instance, and acquitted later merely because of the jeans? Obviously, there was no proof of rape to start with. Had there been any proof of rape, the Supreme Court could not have ignored it and based their ruling on the jeans. The tightness of the jeans could not outweigh, for instance, signs of violence on her body or any other evidence suggesting resistance. So it would seem that the court of the first instance convicted the accused without any evidence of involuntariness.

In any situation other than a rape accusation, the victim's word against the defendant's word is not sufficient for a conviction. Suppose S sells a ring with a stone of cheap material to B for 50 Euros (or dollars, if you prefer). Then B files a complaint with the police, stating that the stone was actually supposed to be a diamond, so the ring would have been worth 5000 Euros, and that he actually paid 5000 Euros to S. He presents as proof the ring with the stone which is not a diamond, and it's also proven that S possesses more than 5000 Euros. S claims that B only paid him 50 Euros (the 5000 Euros having been received from numerous other sources, as is common for vendors), and that there was an understanding between them that B pays 50 Euros and gets a ring that is actually worth 50 Euros.
There is no court in the civilised world that would convict S of fraud on B's word alone. When the crime has not been proven beyond reasonable doubt, the defendant has to be acquitted. That is the basis of civilised criminal justice. But if the accusation is rape, those exact same judges wouldn't hesitate to convict the accused of rape on the "victim's" word alone, without any further evidence. For that matter, even traces of sperm in the "victim's" vagina aren't required because he could have used a condom. And a rape attempt doesn't require any evidence whatsoever. (Which is why it was used in the former Soviet Union as a convenient means of disposing of dissidents. The modern democratic world has, unsurprisingly, improved on that – the offence called sexual harassment does the job even more easily.)
Pretty much the only thing left to our protection is the women's decency, and that, judging by what I hear from countries like the USA, is vanishing rapidly. The most outrageous case I remember was a teenage girl who had to explain to her parents why she was late coming home in the evening, so she lied that she had been raped. To make people think she had been raped was clearly a lesser evil for her than angering her parents and getting grounded or such. Hearing about cases like these helps one to put into proper perspective the feminist whining about how horribly women are supposed to suffer when raped. Yes, there are those who do suffer, but they don't run around screaming that they were raped, even if they actually were.

And this brings me to a sad paradox about rape. A decent woman who actually suffers terribly from rape, is horribly ashamed of it. So she does everything in her power to prevent anybody from ever learning about it. Usually she only files a rape complaint when a family member sees her acting strangely and squeezes the truth out of her or something. So their rapists who actually deserve to be punished often go free. On the other hand, the modern arrogant bitch who uses her sexuality to take advantage of the men without the slightest scruples, doesn't really suffer when being fucked against her will, except for the indignation that a man has had the insolence of refusing to be her obedient toy and to meekly submit to her teasing. She wouldn't think twice about filing a rape complaint even when there was no rape but she simply happens to feel that a man needs to be taught a lesson. It's a game to her, a game where she can enjoy watching the man suffer while risking nothing herself (because women filing false rape accusations are almost never prosecuted). And that is probably the reason why 40 percent of rape accusations are proven false, further 55% are estimated to be false but can't be proven so, and merely 5% are actual rapes – and at the same time many rapes are never reported. (The feminists, of course, scream about the latter but completely ignore the former.)

Some Western countries have moved beyond even that, and others are following suit. It would seem that in countries like the USA, any man's professional career and family life can be easily ruined by having any woman pointing a finger at him and claiming sexual harassment. Just as with a rape accusation, the accused is not only left with the impossible task of proving that no harassment ever took place, but his reputation will be badly damaged by the mere fact that such an accusation was made. I read about a case where a female employee went to a male superior and stood very close to him, rubbing her breasts against his body, and then she went and filed a sexual harassment complaint, and he was apparently in big trouble without being able to do anything about it. In some places it seems to be police routine that a male police officer never interrogates a female without a female police officer present – drawing pay for just hanging around as a witness, in order to protect the male officer from a possible sexual harassment accusation.
It would seem that in such countries, every man in an influencial position has to constantly walk on eggshells, hoping to be able to get through his life without ever provoking a woman to accusing him of sexual harassment. It seems to me that the only reasonable thing to do for any man is to get the fuck out of such a contry as soon a he can afford it. As a matter of fact, I intend to leave this country before it becomes a clone of the USA or Sweden – and we're on our way just there, that can be clearly seen.

The official goverment policy and legal practice in the Western countries is nothing short of genocide against men. Satisfying his natural need for sex is difficult enough for a man as it is. It's like playing a game of dice where you have one die and the woman has three. But the governments do all they can to increase that disadvantage by giving the woman the fourth die. Even that is not enough for the feminists who still keep screaming about discrimination and demand that the women be given the fifth die, and why not the sixth while we're at it?

While the above-mentioned verdict of the Italian Supreme Court is to be celebrated, I don't see any hope that the rule of law would ever be fully extended to the area of sex crimes. That would require admitting that a proper woman wouldn't:
a) dress and act like a whore in public, and scream bloody murder whenever any man as much as lays a finger on her (I understand that in some countries the men are severely scolded even for looking at the exposed body parts of an exhibitionist woman);
b) routinely let men take her on dates, knowing perfectly well that the only reason they would ever ask her out is in the hope of having sex with her, and never have sex with them.
There are words for that kind of indecent behaviour. The first is called sexual harassment, the second is called sexual abuse. Yes, that's right. When a woman wags her body in front of men, enjoying her ability to make them horny and leaving them unsatisfied, it's sexual harassment of men. And routinely letting men entertain oneself without giving them sex in return – that's date abuse, a form of sexual abuse of men.

Don't try to tell me that a woman who isn't ashamed to show herself on the street dressed like this suffers horribly when raped.

And don't try to tell me that a woman who repeatedly goes into a man's apartment after dates and still keeps refusing sex does not deserve to be raped. 

For that matter, as long as the false rape industry keeps destroying innocent men's lives all over the world, I find it impossible to have compassion with any raped woman.

Just to avoid any misunderstandings, I absolutely advise against raping sex refusers (or any women, for that matter), as it would ruin your life without doing her much damage. A better idea is to simply tell her that a relationship without sex is not acceptable to you. If she gives you any LJBF bullshit, just break up all contact with her. I did that some time ago, and guess what – a few weeks later she contacted me and agreed to have sex with me. How do you like them apples?