29 October 2019

Poor Facebook censors

The most hilarious news of the year (I hope it's not fake): crusade against unpleasant opinions has put Facebook thought police under such stress that one of them actually dropped down dead.

Well, Facebook, in case you want to improve the situation then how about stopping to play god? Don't try to make it look like you're only fighting against child porn and such. For many years now, Facebook has been silencing people expressing unpopular opinions that haven't the slightest to do with anything illegal. Not only that, from time to time Facebook infests my timeline with unsolicited leftist propaganda, a "feature" which can't be turned off.

My advice is, if you don't want your so-called moderators drop dead, all you have to do is stop preventing your users from exercising their constitutional right to free speech.

The way I see it, every Facebook censor less means more freedom of expression and diversity of ideas for the rest of us.