05 February 2014

Various ways of whoring

I was at a bookshop in Thailand, checking out books on Thailand. I noticed a memoir book written by a hooker, co-authored by a woman with an English name. The book was in a plastic cover, so I could only read the introduction on the back cover. Two details in particular caught my eye. One was something to the effect "sex tourists prefer to call women like me "bargirls" but actually we are prostitutes". The other one was "For money I do anything the customer wants, except kissing. I feel that there are certain things which must remain reserved for the wives and girlfriends".

I hardly need to point out the mind-blowing stupidity of the suggestion that Thai hookers are somehow reluctant to kiss customers. They might have a problem with oral and anal sex (of course they don't do "anything the customer wants"), but refusing to kiss - that's hilarious. In general, as I'm sure any sex tourist has noticed, Thai prostitutes are far from reserving certain things to their husbands or boyfriends. On the contary - they not only refer to their customers as "boyfriends", but offer better GFE than, in fact, most non-prostitutes back home.

As to the suggestion that "bargirl" is some kind of an euphemism because we are embarassed to say "prostitute", that is also complete nonsense. Of course bargirls are prostitutes, but not all prostitutes are bargirls. For instance, massage girls are prostitutes but they are not bargirls. Neither are freelancers in the discos and on the streets. In other words, there are several types of prostitutes, and bargirls are one of them. It's simply convenient to use the term "bargirl" when discussing things that apply to bargirls but not to the other kinds of prostitute.

At first I felt appalled that, of all people, a bargirl (who obviously is very well familiar with the truth) would spread such appalling nonsense in her book. Then I realised what it was all about. I remembered who she was: a whore. She has simply expanded her business, found another way of making money. In the bars of Bangkok, she does and says things the Farang tourists want, so that they would give her money. In her book, she says things the Western readers want to hear, so that they would give her money. If she would tell the truth about the Thai sex market, she would hardly even get her book published. And, of course, her female co-author wouldn't be able to recognise that the hooker is bullshitting her, or more likely, she couldn't care less about the truth either. They both have only one goal - to make money. Last but not least, the general public in the English-speaking world doesn't want to hear the truth either. So it's no wonder that that prostitute co-authored a book filled with emotion-loaded untruths. She's only in it for money. Publishing a book is merely a different form of whoring for her.

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