13 August 2012

The essence of man summed up

I really recommend that you read this:
The Bulletproof Pimp Philosophy

Most of it is obvious, of course, but I don't think anyone has ever said it more eloquently.

1 comment:

Sertorius said...

Unfortunately, it would seem that the page to which I linked has disappeared. This is what was written on it:

1. Humans are born with needs and the drive to fulfill them.
Meeting these needs is the key to happiness.
These needs are different for men and women.
For men, these needs are:
* Sex with a variety of young, attractive women
* Physical strength
* Financial Independence by means of an individual talent
* Control of his life
* Pride and respect
Morality does not meet these needs.
Spirituality does not meet these needs.
Marriage is a form of sexual and economic slavery that frustrates these needs.